moon phases

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The New Orleans Rag: Dispelling Lies, Damn Liars, and Myths of Katrina

what do you think? please post your thoughts in my guest book...thanks

Monday, September 26, 2005

thanks Collin for letting your Uncle post your blog on The Ripple Effect!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Vincent Van Gogh

Learn about who Van Gogh was. What lesson does his life have for us today? If you know of other sites that tell about his life, please share. What is your favorite painting of van gogh's?
*more on Van Gogh

*life segments of Van Gogh

*portrait by Van Gogh

*earlier life of Van Gogh

*quick facts and summary of Van Gogh


Weblogs or BLOGS from Boston

Just for fun, see what is being written in blogs across the Boston area. Check out Back Bay.

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Saturday, September 03, 2005

Boston Back Bay

Please sign my Guest Book
Find out the history of Back Bay and more about Boston - you name it, this site just about has it!

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