The Ripple Effect
Welcome to the Ripple Effect. What you say, what you don't say; what you do, what you don't do; causes a Ripple Effect. The Question is, "How big of a Ripple will you make?" and "What kind of Ripple Effect will you make?
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Copley Square and more in Boston!
More Boston Photos
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. . . .Steps on 12 Hemenway, Boston Back Bay. These photos by R. Yerzy
All Kinds Of Clouds
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A view from my spot on the hill. Actually, from my porch which faces SW. I get a million dollar view without paying for it. Do you know the name of these clouds? If you do, please sign my guest book and let us know. thanks.
Boston Rooftops, A Romantic Movie Short
Welcome to our site which features several projects including - Boston Rooftops, A Romantic Movie Short. This was taken Summer of 2005, Back Bay Boston.
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Friday, January 06, 2006
Back To School Time
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What are your feelings about going back to school.......all comments are encouraged and welcomed.