moon phases

Monday, January 31, 2005

The Flash Mind Reader

Does this work for you? Do you understand it? How does it work? Please share if you know! PLEASE!?

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Just Ask

this is an audio post - click to play

To Be Controled or Have Control?

That is a question we ask ourselves from time to time. The only person who you have control over is yourself. The question is not "What am I going to do with you" but rather, "What am I going to do with myself"?

We have all been gifted with an incredible responsibility of "free will".
To me, this means we can choose to do good or evil. All the choices we make have consequences be it positive or negative. When I hear the word "control" - only the self has control over "self". No One Else has control over your actions or what you think. Self chooses to let someone take "control" over them ranging from a little bit to total control. It is our free will how we choose to use self control or be controlling. There are so many components which come into the dynamics when we reflect upon these concepts of "free will" and "control"....non the less, we are utilmately in control to what happens in our lives. We can choose how we deal with consequences that we have chosen through our actions (free will) or consequences that appear to come from nowhere and appear to be "unfair". We also can choose our actions, our thoughts, our attitude, our issues, our battles, our passion, and how and with whom we share our love.

No ONE else has control over us, we only allow them to have control over us. It's our choice, its our Free Will.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The EVE of a New Democracy?

For us in America, it is the eve of elections for Iraq. Jan. 30th is when President Bush deemed the elections to take place for Iraq.

My only question today, of many others I ponder about, is how can democracy work in other parts of the world, when we are struggling for a democratic government here in our own land? Is it really working "for all" who live here in America? Or is it a concept and idea from "idealists" to only hope for and strive for?

Another visual thought comes to mind - When the flight attendant instructs the passengers to place the oxygen masks on yourself before you place it on your child's face or someone who is less able, isn't she really telling us - you have to take care and secure yourself and your safety before you can help another person. Can we not apply that concept to international matters as well? Should we not be taking care of our own and securing our own people....ALL not some of our people before we begin to "spread freedom" to others? Don't get me wrong. I believe in helping and assistanting others when we can. But to cut budgets and take away money from the needy and poor and seniors of our own country....somethings seems to be a bit unbalanced. Am I blind to what is really happening? Please help me to understand.

May we ALL live in Peace with one another here in this Great Country of opportunity and in the World we call our Home.

Link to Reframing The Iraq Election, click here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Need to Translate a Language?

This is babelfish. Some say it doesn't do justice. But if you want a quick a approximate translation for more than one language and you don't want to buy software to do so, try this link.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

to give love to receive love

some may wonder, some may ponder, but in all reality, this is what life is all about - make it simple make it clear - we all want to be loved, and we all want to share the love we have inside. all else is an illusion to strive for those two things. think about it. think before you respond. and you will find it to be true. you may use different words, say it in different ways, but it is an eternal truth -

Monday, January 24, 2005

Phantom Of The Opera

If you are a fan or you know of someone who is a fan of Phantom of The Opera, you will want to check the link out. TOTALLY impressive. All you ever wanted to see, know, and hear about the Opera. Excellent Webpage, etc. Enjoy!!!

Rare Lyrics

If you know of a link that actually plays clips of songs for free, please share. Thanks

Best Of Blue Note

Clips of Music found here. Take a listen and let me know what you like and don't like.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Time for Good Recipes!

Try this site, click here.
Try this site for herbs and spices, click here. tells you the breakdown of what you are getting for your meal.
Recipes that adjust to the number of people you are feeding. Click here.
Extremely Educational Recipe and Food Site. Click here. Surf around and it gives you nutritional value and much much more.

What Is Sleep Apnea

Here is more information about Sleep Apnea:
click here, here, and here.

What does the Mayo Clinic say about Sleep Apnea?
What does NINDS say about Sleep Apnea?
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening Quiz.
Brief Description of Symptons for Sleep Apena.
Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Sefl-Awareness Quiz, and FAQ about Sleep Apnea.

After getting the proper CPAP machine, I have never felt so rested before. I am on my second night of THEEEE most refreshing sleep I think I have ever had in my entire life. I woke up with energy and ready for my morning walk, Immediately! Wow, it was like a miracle!

Do you want to know more details and history etc? click here.

Find Out How Popular Your Name Is and Was

This is just for fun. Click on the click above and then enter your name or your friend's name or a family member name and find out the meaning and how popular it is now and then. Have fun!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

She Will Be Remembered

You Will be Missed and Remembered Always!
January 8, 2005

Our Family Friend, Anne, passed away early this morning. May the Lord be with her and her with Him. She shall be remembered for all the wonderful gifts and talents shared with each of us –
Her gift of humor, her gift of sharing a good story from one of her many adventures traveling throughout the world, her unique style of paintings – from watercolors, to acrylics, to oil. Through each of her paintings, we can see her perspective of the world in which she lived in. As I would explore the walls of her home museum, it was evident to me how she saw beauty everywhere she lived and visited - over half of a century on earth. How fortunate we are to be able to continue to see through her eyes and heart, her impression, the gift of beauty in life through her paintings, although she has crossed her last bridge on earth today.
Anne also left with us, five very beautiful gifts of life. I had the honor and pleasure of meeting each one of them a few weeks ago. They followed their own path of life creating a unique adventure and experience to share as they also have journeyed upon this earth. Each one of them have orchestrated incredible accomplishments throughout their own lives. It was through quality not quantity that I was privileged to get acquainted with her five children in her home during this holiday season. I hope to keep in contact with each of them and call them my friend as our journey continues.
The only thing "good" about passing away so quickly is that her pain ceases to exist. The pain is felt by each of us as we sort through our emotions of missing her and yearning for what she does best. What does she do best? That is something we know as individuals and unique to each one of us. She touches your heart in the most unforgettable way. Words can't begin to describe how or what she touches deep inside of us, but if you know her, you know what I mean. I have a very good friend from New Zealand who came for a visit a couple of years ago. Within moments, she too, felt that special warmth Anne plants within your heart. My friend was so moved by Anne, she wanted a picture taken with just the two of them so she too, could remember Anne.
For me, I have always been in awe with sunrises and sunsets as paintings in the sky authored by Our Number One Artist and Creator of Eternity. Now, I see Anne as the Apprentice Artist in the sky. Every time I gaze up into the morning or evening sky and witness a beautiful painting of magnificent swirling soft colors, shapes, and unique design, I will remember my friend Anne. Thank you Anne, for sharing your journey here on earth with me, although our friendship was brief, you created a lifetime impression upon the balance of my life.

Farewell To Our Friend Anne,
May Your Continued Journey
Be Filled With Peace of Heart,
Bundles of Joy & Love,
Surrounded with Blank Canvases
Waiting to Be Painted Upon
Only the Way You Can!
We love you!

For those of you who are curious about pancreatic cancer, click here , here, and here.

NCI has some information to share about Pancreatic Cancer, click here.

  1. What other cultures believe about life after death.
  2. What others believe about life after death.
  3. What some Christians believe about Life after Death.
  4. Interesting Article about life after death.
  5. Interesting non-christian view point of "Soul after Death"
  6. Some thoughts to ponder about Life After Death.
  7. Interesting thoughts about Life After Death.
  8. Read and choose what you believe about Life after Death.
  9. What happens within the next 40 days after death - Believe it or not, click here.
  10. Philosophic view point on Life after Death.
  11. Intellectual view point on Life after Death.
  12. A Christian's view point on Life after Death.
  13. What the Bible says about Life after Death.
  14. What happens after we die? Simply stated from the Bible, Click here.

Happy New Year!

May this New Year of 2005 Find Us With
Good Health
Caring and Loving Family and Friends
- Financially, Personally, & Emotionally -
Enough to Eat
Warm and Comfortable
Safe from Harm
Successful with reasonable goals
A Warm bed to sleep at night
Healthy Eating, Exercise, and Sleep
Growing and Understanding Ourselves and Our Relationships
Increase of Compassion for Others
A Peace and Understanding
from Within Your Heart and Soul
The most important day in Viet Nam
The meaning of a New Year
Customs and Traditions around the world celebrating the New Year
Meaning of a New Year in the eyes of a "truth seeker" - do you agree or disagree?
Ancient Meaning of a New Year
Lesson Plans for a New Year

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